Custom Query (36 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: new (36 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Resolution Created Ticket
#7 CRUD: Courses, Sections, Steps, Contents, Variants 8 months ago
#8 Simple Super-Admin Functions 8 months ago
#9 CRUD: Editor Accounts 8 months ago
#10 Roles and Permissions 8 months ago
#11 Logging and Undo 8 months ago
#12 Alternative Texts 8 months ago
#13 Edit Meta Data 8 months ago
#14 Show Parallel Variants 8 months ago
#15 Rich Text Editor 8 months ago
#16 Video Embedding 8 months ago
#17 Advanced Super Admin Functions 8 months ago
#18 Media Library 8 months ago
#19 Search and Filter 8 months ago
#23 Local Alternative Texts 8 months ago
#24 Variant Meta Data 8 months ago
#25 Design REST for Nested Roadmap 8 months ago
#27 Drag and Drop Elements 8 months ago
#28 Save vs. Publish 8 months ago
#29 Autosave 8 months ago
#30 Learning Companion Reactions 8 months ago
#31 More Meta Data 8 months ago
#33 Fix Broken Unicode Filenames 8 months ago
#34 Quick Perfect Preview 8 months ago
#35 Trash Instead Of Delete 8 months ago
#36 Read-only Mode 8 months ago
#39 Global and Local Titles 8 months ago
#40 Error Log 8 months ago
#42 Instant Undo 8 months ago
#45 Footer Menu for Editing System 8 months ago
#48 Redirect Changed Bookmarks 8 months ago
#49 Mark Recently Created Elements 8 months ago
#52 Create Surveys Based on Usage 8 months ago
#53 Log Acceptance Indicators 8 months ago
#75 Add Tool To Import Course Draft From HTML 5 months ago
#78 Connect problem report to editing system 4 months ago
#83 Default Course Image 2 months ago
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.