Custom Query (10 matches)


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Status: closed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Resolution Created Ticket
#59 Fix Schedule Circles 6 months ago
#60 Link Styling 6 months ago
#61 Fix Hover of Inactive Buttons 6 months ago
#62 Manually Style Headings 6 months ago
#63 Add Quick First Dark Mode Draft 6 months ago
#65 First Draft of 5:3 Ratio 6 months ago
#66 Fix Course Roadmap For Medium Screens 6 months ago
#72 Fix Roadmap Highlights In Dark Mode 5 months ago
#73 Circled Numbers In Heading 5 months ago
#74 Investigate Keeping Roadmap In View 5 months ago
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.